domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017

English language challenges

Good afternoon everyone!

Today, I'm going to develop my experience of having an English course at university, also the aspects that I have to improve about my own English skills and my opinion of English in general terms and regard to its useful for me.

I consider that I have had a good experience with English here, for example, I loved to write blogs with different topics through the weeks, basically because I love to write in general, but I have never had to write blogs before as an evaluative method -inclusive never in life (ha ha ha)-, either in Spanish or English and it's very funny for me, because I'm a person who learns things writing and I enjoy doing it. So definitely, I'm totally agree about to use blogs in an English course. Then, I liked the classes too, miss Claudia teach us well, I have learned in her classes, mainly expressions and words, these improved my English vocabulary and I consider it very useful. And at last, I liked the way of evaluation, because we had to use our different skills, they were: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

I think that I have to improve mainly, my English skill regarding listening, because I don't understand the English speakers in many times when they talk, I found that they speak too fast or don't pronounce well, but maybe it's just because is difficult for me to understand them. So I plan to improve that, mostly listening to YouTube videos, movies and songs in English, maybe doing an English course outside the university or remotely, I would travel to a country who its first language being English, for learning.

Finally, I consider English an important language to learn, because it's the universal language and for that reason, if I become a bilingual person or just someone who can understand English and speak it well, I could do many other things that I can't in the present, for example, to read English books or to talk fluent with an English speaker. I use English sometimes and it's primarily when I listen to songs, when I read papers for the university or when I saw YouTube videos, or movies.

That's all for today, well I hope you had enjoyed reading my posts, this is the last for the present year, take care, see you...

jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

A subject I have enjoyed studying this semester

My favorite subject this semester has been statistics, I liked this subject because the teachers explain the contents very well, they have sense of humor and they use simple examples to explain us statistic, also the assistantships have been very useful and all the assistants are kind persons and finally -a thing that I have never expected- I missed the math, so such as in this semester I have statistics I get really happy to have something related with math (I have never liked it too much, but at school I had it all days in the morning, so I started to missed math at the university -ha ha ha- ).

The statistics classes have been in two modalities, the majority of them have been in classroom, like a normal math class, but there are others that we had in computer lab, because we used a statistical program called IBM SPSS and we analyzed and interpreted databases and we made graphics like box-and-whisker plot, stem & leaf and histograms.

The main contents that we have seen are arithmetic average, mode, mean, range, standard deviation, variance, statistical distributions, kurtosis, quartiles, z-score and a little bit of probability and some theorems.

Basically, in classes we learn about statistic and how to calculate and to interpret it.

That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...

A psychologist that I admire...

Good afternoon everyone!, today I'm going to write about

Carl Rogers

He was born on January, 8th, 1902 in Oak Park, Illinois and died on February, 4th, 1987 in San Diego, California. Rogers, was an American psychologist known by the alternative method that he proposed, "The Client-Centered Therapy" and because he was one of the founders of humanistic psychology.

Carl Rogers worked in academia holding positions at University of Wisconsin, University of Chicago and Ohio State University. At the same time, he was developing his new proposition in clinical psychology, which he initially named "Nondirective Therapy", then it passed to be known as "Client-Centered Therapy".

This innovative therapy, consists in a person who is a facilitator rather than a director of the counseling, and he or she guides the clients (-patients-, but Rogers dislike to use that term, because he wanted to be closer to the other person in the therapy, establishing a mutual confidence between therapist and client) to their self-actualization. So this new form of therapy in psychology brought the client an active participant role, targeted a new approach to psychology, "the existential phenomenology", also improved the human potential and for that reason, the main constructs for Rogers were self-actualization, unconditional positive regard, development of the self, congruence and the fully-functioning person.

Having said all that, I admire Carl Rogers, because I really like the method that he proposed and it's the idea that I have when I think on a psychological therapy, so if I would work in clinical area, I would like to do that kind of therapy. Also I like the freedom, the human potential belief and the confidence that Rogers brings us, related to his view of life, it's something absolutely idealistic and I love that.

Today I will publish 2 posts, you should read them, see you ;)!

jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

A Photograph that I like

I would want to say that it's not my favorite photograph, either way I don't have a favorite one as many other things in my life, but it's a photograph that I found a few days before in yahoo's news and I liked the message, because if Death writes to you: "live, laugh, love", you should do it -in my opinion, I would consider it- ha ha ha...Well, apart Death character was immortalized at that time on December, 25th, 2016, -yes, on Christmas from the year before- and it's a beautiful irony, Death giving us an inspire message -that's the main thing that the picture shows for me, we have to enjoy our lives before Death comes to us and lead us, so specially, we should have glad and moments full of love-. I really love this beach's landscape too, is beautiful and it reminds me the north of Chile in a weird analogy, because I know that this photograph was took in New Zealand, almost literally on the other side of the world, but probably near to the opposite coordinates of a part of the Chilean north that I couldn't remind, but I'm sure that I know it, and it's in some area of my unconscious mind or in a dream of a dream or an unknown or forgotten part of my memory. Here I leave you the location of Piha Beach (the place where Death's photograph was took) and a random part from the north of Chile, in order you can understand what I have been talking about the opposite sides of the world.

Piha, New Zealand

Unknown part from north of Chile

That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...

PD: I don't know who took the photograph, but him, her or its Instagram is @iamtheswimreaper and you can find this image and others of Death in different places. I recommend to you, there are very nice pics! 

Postgraduate studies

Good afternoon everyone!

If I had to choose a postgraduate studies program right now, I would say a degree of existential humanistic psychologist and a degree of educational psychology, because these are two areas of psychology that I liked at this moment and a degree is shorter than other postgraduate studies, so I could study both only in one year in contrast among a master that takes 2 years or a doctorate that takes 4. Then, if I do these degrees I would have more expertise and I could develop better in educational psychology that if I just start to work, finishing undergraduate education. I would like to study the degrees at "Universidad de Chile" in classroom modality and part-time course as the postgraduate degrees are.

On the other hand I would like to study a second career, it would be Chemistry and Pharmacy or Science Pedagogy, because I have always liked them almost as I like Psychology and I think that I would bore working entire life as a psychologist, inclusive when I like it too much. So if I can study other career I would do it.

Today I will publish 2 posts, you should read them, see you ;)!