jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

The reasons why I chose Psychology

Good afternoon everyone!

If I have to be honest I didn't remember which career I wanted to study when I was a child, probably, because I have never wanted to say I would like to study... or I want to be a... That turned a really big problem when I had to choose a career. My options, after a long time of reflection were: Psychology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Science Pedagogy and Environmental Engineer and I wasn't sure what option to put first, but I decided for Psychology, because it mix science and humanism, two things that I really like, also because I consider interesting to understand the human thought, behavior and other mental processes. My experience at the university just now has been good, I like the career I chose, I haven't had any trouble and I have found very friendly and interesting persons. If I have to think of the kind of job I would like to have, I guess that I say I don't know yet, but until now I like Education Psychology, Neuroscience and Clinical psychology, so probably If I would have the sight of my future, I would see myself working at a school, a lab or my own consultation. (ha ha ha...)

That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...

4 comentarios:

  1. The works that you will do in the future sounds really interesting specially the Education psychology, I hope you ative your plans. Good luck :D <3

  2. Psychology is a career very interesting, I suppose that also is difficult. But I thinks that is most difficult chemistry and pharmacy... I hate the chemistry because have a many mathematics

  3. A friend is studying Chemistry and Pharmacy in Concepción. And Neuroscience and Clinical psychology sounds so interesting.

  4. Wow, you had a lot of options aside from your current career. In addition they were very varied :O
