jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

My favorite movie

Good afternoon everyone!

I'm going to start saying that I don't have a specific favorite movie, because I think that nobody can choose only one movie, when we have very different genres. For example, a science-fiction movie is totally different than a Western one, and Drama genre is the opposite to Comedy. For that reason, I consider that the movies aren't comparative among them. Ok, but if I have to choose one... I should say Amélie, because I really like romantic movies and this one is a french romantic comedy and that category makes me fall in love at the first sight when I saw it! (Because I love the french culture and its films). Amélie captivates me from the first moment to the end, its peculiar main character has a life's perspective misunderstood by many people and that makes sense for me, she tries to help the others just because that make the others happy and them happiness in effect makes she enjoy and love life. The production, photography, the actors, soundtrack, the storyline I love everything!, but as I said at the beginning I don't have an specific favorite movie and according with that, I loved many other films too, for example: "Meet the Robinsons", "My name is Khan", "Divergent", "Avatar", "Life of Pi", "Les misérables","The book thief", "Inception". And it's a little few of the movies I have really liked, however, as not to bore you I'm going to say the film genres I like to watch the most, they are Suspense, Drama, Science Fiction, Comedy, Independent Cinema, Foreign language films and especially, the movies based on literature (I love it!). Finally, the last movie I saw, was "The magic of belle isle", I recommend you to watch it!

That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...

martes, 17 de octubre de 2017

My favorite piece of technology

Good evening everyone!

Firstable, I would like to say to you that I'm not a tech fan, but if I have to choose any technology object, I think that I would say smartphones, because I've been really impressed about all the functions that the cell phones have now. I remember when I was a child, they were technically used to make calls, to send messages, to listen to music, to listen to the radio and to play very simple games. And if we see the cell phones right now, they have evolved a lot!, they are almost a small computer, a small camera, a small library, a small bank, a small TV, a small whatever you like... The smartphones have as many functions as we wanted, there are apps for everything and every day there are more innovations continue appearing, that are the reasons why I like it!.

Ok, I'm going to tell you the story of my first cell phone, I can't remember exactly when I got it, but I think it was surely about 8 years ago. The model was Panasonic x300
and I loved it too much, because it had a little hidden filming camera, and all the people were very impressed when I used to open the camera, because they had never seen something like that before. I remind that the cell phone's camera had a very low resolution, I can't remember exactly how much it, but the photographs I used to take on that time were terrible, I just liked the particularity form of its camera. Well, after that, I had other cell phone (An old Nokia), and 2 smarthphones, the first one was Lg L7, and currently I have the Samsung J5 model, since one week ago.

Ok, as I said at the beginning, I'm not the best friend of technology, so even when I love the innovations, I rarely use them too much, for example, my favorite piece of technology (smartphone). Actually, there are days that I not turns on my cell phone, so I suppose that I usually use it sometimes and when I do, I take photographs, I read and sent messages by whatsapp, I search words in dictionary, I read books, I listen to music, I do things related with my studies and obviously I call (and I think it's the most important function, anyway the cell phones were created for that reason).

If you asked me what life would be like without my smartphone, I would probably answer it would be normal; because I'm not a person who is obsessed with it, but I prefer anyways to have a one, because if I wouldn't have a cell phone, I couldn't take photographs, also I couldn't do some things for university, even I couldn't call my parents and many other things!. So basically the smartphones nowadays are a "need", but I would like that the people don't think objects as the most important thing in life, because I'm sure that a lot of them believe technology in general, is a priority need, forgetting the things that are really important in life. Curiously, these things aren't "things" (I invite you to reflect about it 😊!).

That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...